What Is Mayan Abdominal Massage?
Suitable for all genders of any age, Mayan abdominal massage therapy is a non-invasive external therapy that incorporates the lower and upper abdominal area, the back and sacrum, anatomy, physiology, lifestyle choices, suggested supporting modalities and emotional release.
This investment into your personal long-term health and well-being has the potential of incredible health and life-changing results. It is a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern understanding of anatomy and physiology.
Mayan Arvigo abdominal massage therapy addresses current health issues (listed below) and prevents the progression of chronic disease.​​
I will work with you to address your specific needs. Usually, 3 professional sessions are address most conditions. Some conditions such as organ prolapse, endometriosis or fibroids will require further attention over a longer period of time.​
Your Investment
* Please note for post-natal treatments the first session will be 1.5 hours and all subsequent sessions will be 1 hour
​Online Session
If you are unable to attend a treatment in person, you can do the consultation and learn the self-care massage online - a powerful healing, detoxing and balancing tool as a stand-alone option (see details below)
You will receive a comprehensive consultation, be taught a self-care massage instruction and be given information and instructions on any supporting modalities relative to you personally.
Payment is taken at the time of booking
The Self-Care Massage
The unique aspect of abdominal therapy is the self-care massage you will be taught, which is a vital aspect of the overall treatment and a lifelong tool to maintain optimal health and balance.
Learning how to massage your own abdomen helps to sustain and continue the work done at your treatment. It is truly empowering to be more in control of your well-being and to be physically and emotionally connected to the treatment process.
It is also preventative against many health issues listed on this page.

Dr Rosita Arvigo studied with many traditional healers for over 40 years, the most notable of whom was Don Elijio Panti, the renowned Maya shaman of Belize.
Rosita did a 13-year apprenticeship, learning his knowledge passed down for over five thousand years. She combined her knowledge of anatomy, physiology and naprapathy, and then established the Arvigo Institute, and later The Abdominal Collective, which now trains healthcare professionals worldwide. Rosita founded the Ix-Chel Tropical Research Foundation which supports the traditions of Maya healers, helping to preserve and promote knowledge of sustainable organic cultivation as a substitute for destruction and depletion of the rainforest.
About Dr Rosita Arvigo